Resultados del aislamiento in situ en viviendas con bandas perimetrales elásticas

  1. Lorenzana Lorenzana, M. Teresa
  2. Segade, Luisa
  3. González Suárez, Julio
  4. Alba Fernández, Jesús
Tecniacústica 2009

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Acústica

ISBN: 84-87095-17-8

Year of publication: 2009

Volume Title: Comunicaciones. Acústica en la edificación

Volume: 3

Congress: Congreso Español de Acústica ; Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (40. 2009. Cádiz)

Type: Conference paper


With the goal to avoid transmission between housings we have determinated the acoustical effect of elastic perimetral bands placed in a news building by in situ sound insulation measurements. For a better description we have been monitoring the building work during the appropiate facing installation and execution, showing photographic material where you can see the constructive elements configuration. We have analyzed for this research ten dividing walls and twenty one wrought, as well as various constructive elements in each home. This way we verity the effect of the new legal requirements by NBE-CA 88 and CTE about acoustical quality. To do so, we had compared actual and from 2000 soundprooofing measurements from the same construction company. The results were not what we were expecting from this new elastic perimetral bands and air room filling.