Programas de deporte escolar en España e implicación de los agentes educativos

  1. Víctor Arufe Giráldez 2
  2. Roberto J. Barcala Furelos 1
  3. Covadonga Mateos Padorno 3
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


  2. 2 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


  3. 3 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

    Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España


Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

ISSN: 1577-0354

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 17

Issue: 67

Pages: 397-411

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15366/RIMCAFD2017.67.001 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Sustainable development goals


The Autonomous Communities in Spain (CCAA in Spanish) have the competency to promote sports in schools. The participation of educational personnel in their programs is necessary for the correct tutoring ability of any sport. This study’s objective was to analyze the personnel involved in the management, organization and putting into practice the school sports programs, as well as the involvement of the personnel within the educational realm. We carried out a transverse study in a sample of 15 CCAA. The data were obtained through different qualitative investigation methods. The results showed a lack of uniformity in the management of the autonomous school sports programs, detecting an important absence of implication of the educational personnel.

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