Utilidad de la cineantropometría y la bioimpedancia para orientar la composición corporal y los hábitos de los futbolistas

  1. García Soidán, José Luis
  2. López Pazos, Jacobo
  3. Ogando Berea, Hugo
  4. Fernández Balea, Alberto
  5. Padrón Cabo, Alexis
  6. Prieto Troncoso, Javier
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 25

Pages: 117-119

Type: Article

More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


The aim of this work was to adjust the information contributed by two technologies, kineanthropometry and bioimpedance, to orientate the nutritional condition, the profiles of performance based on the corporal composition and the health situation of 66 amateur soccer players. The utilization of both isolated methods, though they offer important information for the soccer player, is their combined utilization that allows to establish a suitable diagnosis of the nutritional situation and corporal composition of the soccer players. The kineanthropometry allows us to place the corporal dimensions in the space, whereas the bioimpedance allows us to evaluate in addition the basal metabolism and the distribution of the intra and extracellular water, detecting possible edemas, distribution of the water in the different body regions, so that both methods as a whole, they offer an important complementary information, which allows us to evaluate in addition the health and the possible adjustments in the supply and hydration of the soccer players

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