De la justicia social a la justicia personal en la filosofía de Julián Marías

  1. García del Portillo, Lourdes Loreto
Supervised by:
  1. Francesco de Nigris Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2020

  1. Ignacio Sánchez Cámara Chair
  2. Ignacio Verdú Berganza Secretary
  3. Tomás Domingo Moratalla Committee member
  4. Ricardo Pinilla Burgos Committee member
  5. Jesús Marcial Conill Sancho Committee member

Type: Thesis


This work is based on the notion that there are at least three reasons why it is possible to find an innovative conception of social justice in the philosophy of Julián Marías. First, because the author's thinking is not based on a political or a sociological philosophy, but on the metaphysics of the vital reason of his teacher José Ortega y Gasset. Second, because from that metaphysical perspective we reach a point of view that surpasses rationalist, relativistic and irrationalist interpretations that are behind most of the main social justice theories. And thirdly, because from the metaphysics of Marías it can be shown how, eventually, all social justice depends on a previous personal justice, the one that each of us creates insofar as we love our circumstance and our neighbours in the centre of it.