Microalgae culture optimization and industrial upscalinginfluence of light composition on growth, pigment content and photosynthetic response of four microalgal species with commercial interest

  1. Pereira Bouzas, Simón
Supervised by:
  1. Ana Otero Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 28 February 2020

  1. Concepción Herrero Chair
  2. Francisco Gabriel Acién Fernández Secretary
  3. Ami Ben Amotz Committee member

Type: Thesis


In this work the author has studied the influence of light composition on growth, pigment content and photosynthetic response in four microalgae species with commercial interest: the Chlorophyta Haematococcus pluvialis, Dunaliella salina, and Dunaliella tertiolecta, and the Rhodophyta Porphyridium cruentum. The results show how light composition is a parameter that may largely influence the production of compounds with industrial interest. Therefore, the use of a specific light spectrum is confirmed as an important tool for the optimization of artificial-light microalgae cultivation. Moreover, the work has been carried out in an industrial environment and shows the upscaling of a two-stage H. pluvialis cultivation as a proof of concept of the aforementioned, at a pilot-scale.