Evolution of the Sado estuary limit over the last 8400 yearsimplications for the Mesolithic Communities

  1. A.M. Costa
  2. M.C. Freitas
  3. M. Leira
  4. C. Andrade
  5. R. Mota
  6. J. Duarte
  7. A. Rodrigues
  8. M. Diniz
  9. P. Arias
Mudanças em Sistemas Ambientais e sua Expressão Temporal: livro de Resumos da IX Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico
  1. Ana Gomes (ed. lit.)
  2. Célia Gonçalves (ed. lit.)
  3. Lino André (ed. lit.)
  4. Nuno Bicho (ed. lit.)
  5. Tomasz Boski (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario ; Grupo de Trabalho Português para o Estudo do Quaternário (GTPEQ) ; Universidade do Algarve

ISBN: 978-989-8859-20-4

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 67-68

Congreso: Reunión del Cuaternario Ibérico = Reuniâo do Quaternário Ibérico (9. 2017. Faro)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


In this work we present preliminary results of the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sado valley over the last 8400 years. The reconstruction relies upon environmental proxies in sediments taken from six cores collected between Arapouco and Laxique (Alcácer do Sal), near the Mesolithic shell middens found in the area. Additionally, electric resistivity profiles were used to characterize the subsurface Sado valley configuration. Results suggest a more or less extensive brackish environment since, at least, 8400 cal BP in the studied area, i.e. there is evidence for the influence of marine water in the vicinity of the area occupied by the Mesolithic groups.