Palaeogeographical evolution of coastal systems of SW Portugal

  1. M. Leira
  2. M.C. Freitas
  3. C. Andrade
Mudanças em Sistemas Ambientais e sua Expressão Temporal: livro de Resumos da IX Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico
  1. Ana Gomes (ed. lit.)
  2. Célia Gonçalves (ed. lit.)
  3. Lino André (ed. lit.)
  4. Nuno Bicho (ed. lit.)
  5. Tomasz Boski (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario ; Grupo de Trabalho Português para o Estudo do Quaternário (GTPEQ) ; Universidade do Algarve

ISBN: 978-989-8859-20-4

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 167-168

Congress: Reunión del Cuaternario Ibérico = Reuniâo do Quaternário Ibérico (9. 2017. Faro)

Type: Conference paper


The present study provides an overview of the development of coastal systems of the southwest coast of Portugal over the last ∼7500 years. A well-supported chronology provides an accurate time estimation of sedimentary gaps and changes in sedimentary accumulation rates. Stratigraphic analysis shows that elevation was the main factor controlling the origin and evolution of each coastal system type.