Optimización en el diseño de zonas de transición en vías de alta velocidad usando métodos numéricos

  1. Sañudo Ortega, Roberto
Supervised by:
  1. Luigi Dell'Olio Director
  2. Valéri Markine Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2013

  1. José Manuel García Díaz de Villegas Chair
  2. Margarita Novales Secretary
  3. Stefano Ricci Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 348053 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Track transitions are frequently a great problem in track structures maintenance. With arrival of high- speed lines the wheel loads increase due to dynamic effects. This results in faster track deterioration and shorter time between consecutive maintenance and renewal operations. Track transitions are a focus of these problems. The dynamic train-track interaction in transition zones has been analyzed numerically using the finite element special software. A high-speed vehicle moving on a track that consists of a slab and ballasted track has been modeled. The train travelling in both directions has been simulated. The effects of different track design modifications on reduction of the dynamic forces have been studied using the developed models. The modifications comprise of application of additional rails and sleepers with variable length in the transition zone as well as combination of these two modifications. The combined track modification with extra long sleepers in combination with double rails has shown the best performance.