Estudio teórico-experimental del pandeo lateral en vigas de madera laminada encolada

  1. Capellán Miguel, Guillermo
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Villegas Cabredo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 08 February 2016

  1. Francisco Arriaga Martitegui Chair
  2. Javier Torres Ruiz Secretary
  3. Javier Estévez-Cimadevila Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 405957 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The investigation developed in this thesis permits to take into account the reduction of the capacity of the Glulam timber beams because of the lateral buckling inestability. A complete full-scale test program was developed for constant and tapered glulam beams in order to capture the real behaviour of the beams taking into account the effect of the impefections. Beams with several different slenderness were tested and compared with the ideal beam. The analysis of the results compared with the Eurocode´s formulas shows how different is the second order behaviour when is compared when the linear buckling analisys; the second order stresses that are affecting the beam from the very begining of the test have been plotted and P-? curves obtained. Finally a reduction factor that reflects the effects of the real beam imperfections is provided in order to keep on using the linear analisys for the lateral buckling according to Eurocode 5 but not afectting to the reliability of the safety structural model used in the Ultimate Limit State verification.