Determinantes de la satisfacción laboral en la industria de la madera y el papelEstudio en España y hallazgos en otros países

  1. Sánchez-Sellero, María Carmen
  2. Sánchez-Sellero, Pedro
Maderas: Ciencia y tecnología

ISSN: 0717-3644 0718-221X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 20

Issue: 4

Pages: 641-660

Type: Article

More publications in: Maderas: Ciencia y tecnología


This paper is carried out in a workers group of logging, wood and paper industry, which is compared with the whole of the labor market. We select 14 quantitative variables of job-related features. For this purpose, we use data Quality of Labor Life Survey (ECVT) by the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. The first objective is to find out which variables and groups of variables (or factors) affect job satisfaction in logging, wood and paper industry, comparing these results with the national set. Our methodologies are principal component analysis, cluster analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The second objective is to review similar studies in other countries in order to find some common pattern. The analysis in both groups (logging, wood and paper on the one hand, and the Spanish national set on the other) allows us to find whether determinants are the same or different according to activity. So, in both cases, wage is one of the last factors that explain labor satisfaction, whereas motivation and personal development are on the top position. It is not possible to propose a general and valid theory in all areas from studies in other countries, so that if the context is different, the determinants that affect job satisfaction are also different.

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