Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación sobre la lectura. Un estudio longitudinal
- González Seijas, Rosa María 1
- Cuetos Vega, Fernando 2
- López Larrosa, Silvia 1
- Vilar Fernández, Juan 1
Universidade da Coruña
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1578-7001
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 32
Pages: 155-177
Type: Article
More publications in: ESE: Estudios sobre educación.
Reading predictors directly contribute to reading accuracy and speed. This study analyses the effect of an instructional programme aimed at improving two of these reading predictors, phonological awareness and naming speed. Participants were 326 children (171 in the experimental group and 155 in the control group) in grades second and third year preschool and first year primary school at the onset. They attended four schools (2 public and 2 private). The experimental group was explicitly trained in phonological awareness and naming speed during three consecutive years two days a week. The control group followed the official curriculum. Results show that this explicit intervention improves words and pseudowords reading accuracy and speed and provides keys for future interventions.
Funding information
Este artículo ha sido realizado dentro de un proyecto de investigación (ref: 08sec00106pr)Bibliographic References
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