Tribunales especiales administrativos y tribunales arbitrales institucionales para la resolución de controversias originadas en la contratación públicapropuesta normativa de tribunal arbitral institucional para la provincia de Chaco en esa materia

  1. Toledo, Rolando Ignacio
Supervised by:
  1. Mirta Sotelo de Andreau Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 09 January 2020

  1. Íñigo del Guayo Castiella Chair
  2. María Victoria Dios Viéitez Secretary
  3. José Francisco Alenza García Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 608621 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The essential motive of this thesis has been to elucidate which are the best ways to process and resolve the controversial issues arising from public procurement, for which it was necessary to analyze its importance and the negative impact of corruption; as well as referring to the emerging phenomenon of global law that includes it, emphasizing the instruments to prevent and fight against this corruption, reviewing the public contracting systems in Spain and Argentina, also entering into the study of their respective systems of control and accountability. The other purpose that motivated the writing of this work, was to present the two models that were deemed most convenient to effectively and efficiently resolve the issues caused by public procurement, such as special administrative courts and arbitral tribunals, explaining and analyzing as for the first to Spain and England, while for the second, the systems of Peru, Spain and Argentina, concluding with a bill for the Province of Chaco on the Institutional Arbitration Tribunal of Public Procurement.