Procesos inclusivos en niños y niñas del Cantón Machala- El Oro-Ecuador

  1. Reyes Román, Dorinda Mireya
Supervised by:
  1. Concepción Sánchez-Blanco Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 01 February 2019

  1. Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez Chair
  2. Ana Sánchez-Bello Secretary
  3. Leonor Cecilia Margalef García Committee member
  1. Pedagogy and Didactics

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 581223 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The present doctoral thesis about "Inclusion" is the result of the high of impact this topic has been having in Ecuador since 2013. In this time some policies have been promoted in favor of the life cycle, aimed, especially, to the inclusion of everyone without discrimination and therefore, with equity. Based on this premise, an innovative research based on the inclusion of children as a synonym of good living is put into consideration, the objective is to apply the affect as a transversal axis with strategies that strengthen positive values, the game as a curricular articulator, the cooperative work and an institutional plan of community activities. These proposals will seek to reduce the levels of aggression and violence in children and families, fostering a harmonious climate in the classroom. This will contribute to create awareness in the educational community, to transform the ways of teaching and the environment of the school, building a favorable environment for learning and development of children and adults, supported by the precepts of good living or sumak kawsay. Throughout this process, the case study and action research have come to our aid, being the techniques used in qualitative research valuable tools to address the collection and treatment of data, thus demonstrating the effects of the initiatives intended for inclusion. We tried to promote the social development of a school through the committed participation of the people involved in it and of the community where it was located. It represented a challenge full of difficulties, especially if we take into account that childhood and their families lived daily deep economic and social problems. Through the improvement of socio-educational and community practices, the educational capacities of teachers, teachers, families, children and even the environment itself would be enhanced. All this would contribute to the inclusion of boys and girls in a natural and spontaneous way, establishing an affective environment, good treatment, peace and harmony.