Análisis del manejo de información en Fisioterapia y la Base de Datos Pubmed, mediante la utilización del Tesauro MESH, por los profesores del Área de Fisioterapia para creación de la página web UDCFIS

  1. Paseiro Ares, Gustavo
Supervised by:
  1. Ramón Fernández Cervantes Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2018

  1. Antonia Aurelia Gómez Conesa Chair
  2. Luz González Doníz Secretary
  3. José Antonio Martín Urrialde Committee member
  1. Physiotherapy, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 561001 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


In relation to access to health information, in a context where there are numerous content producers with different interests, an excess of information available sometimes of dubious quality and different access methods (media, search engines On the Internet, social networks, etc.), governments should be one of the sources of reference information for citizenship. One of the main tools available to governments to facilitate access to information is their presence on the Internet, specifcally through their institutional websites and profles on social networks. Possibly the most widely used and known for its free character is the Medline database of the US National Library of Medicine. It was founded in 1966, in its printed version known as Index Médicus. It has more than 15 million references since 1950, divided into more than 4700 journals around the world and in all languages; (although English language bias and bias of Englishlanguage journals is very important as it represents 70% of the information). The PubMed search system is a project developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM). It allows access to bibliographic databases compiled by the NLM: MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE (quotations sent by the publishers), Genbak and Complete Genome. Medline contains subbases: AIDS, Bioethics, Cancer, Complementary Medicine, Core Clinical Journals, Dental Journals, Nursing Journals, PubMed Central that we can consult individually by clicking the Limits option and selecting Subsets. MEDLINE is the most important NLM database covering the felds of medicine, oncology, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health and preclinical sciences. PubMed has several search modalities. In the home screen we can search for terms, phrases, authors, etc. Limits limit the search by type of documents, languages, age, etc. The index option displays the terms present in the different indexes: descriptor (MeSH), author, word of the title or summary, magazine etc. We can also choose to consult the descriptor directly by clicking on the menu MeSH Database¸ consult a journal in the Journal Database. The CLINICAL QUERIES methodological flter, developed with evidencebased health sciences methodology, with emphasis on therapy, diagnosis, etiology or prognosis or to locate systematic reviews or metaanalyzes, is very useful for clinical information searches. In 1996, PREMEDLINE was created, a database that provides basic data and summaries before all felds are added to the complete records and incorporated into Medline. Each day new registrations are introduced to Premedline, and each record receives a PMID identifcation number. Once the terms MeSH and other indexing data are incorporated, they are deleted from Premedline and entered into Medline. Since 1975, it includes a summary of more than 50% of its references. Today it is a database updated monthly. Documentary databases such as Medline use controlled language (thesauri) in your search managers which improves search results. The use of these thesauri, according to the literature consulted, makes it diffcult for health professionals to use databases such as MEDLINE. The bibliography consulted does not provide data related to the diffculty in the use of MEDLINE by profesional physiotherapists There are no specifc tools to facilitate the use of this type of database in the feld of physiotherapy. The hypothesis of the present study handles the task of knowing if the diffculty in the management of the Medline database causes the underutilization of the same by the Spanish Physiotherapists. Once known the existence of this association, we will consider the implementation of a tool that facilitates its use by the Spanish physiotherapists. The objectives of the present work are: ➢ Objective the tools that the university community uses to increase and develop their tacit knowledge. ➢ Analyze the level of use of the MEDLINE database by the teachers of the Area of Physical Therapy of the Spanish Universities. ➢ Analyze the importance given by the teachers of the Physical Therapy Area to the search for information in general and to the MEDLINE database in particular. ➢ Analyze the knowledge and use of the MESH Thesaurus by the teachers of the Physical Therapy Area of; the Spanish Universities. ➢ Analyze the degree of diffculty presented by the use of the MESH Thesaurus in the MEDLINE database by the professors of the Physical Therapy Area of the Spanish Universities. ➢ To know the main terms that the teachers of the Area of Physical Therapy of the Spanish Universities use in their searches of information. ➢ Program the development of a documentary tool that simplifes the use of the MEDLINE database by converting the technical language of the Physical Therapy Area into the documentary language of the MESH thesaurus. In our study we have opted for a descriptive methodology in which data are collected and analyzed for the variables established to describe and explain the objectives. In other words, we intend to use an adequate methodology that guarantees reliable and testable results in the feld of Physiotherapy and Information Sciences. To do this, we will perform an observational, descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study (followup study) using a questionnaire. We will begin by using descriptive analysis to analyze and describe the set of data or values of a population. After the descriptive analysis we turn to the inferential analysis that aims to verify the degree of association / relationship between the various variables. Thus, when the objective of the investigation is to verify the degree of association / relationship between nominal and / or ordinal variables, contingency tables and the Chi Square test and the taub and tauc of Kendall. Several descriptive analyzes, of variance and independence tests between variables have been carried out using the Pearson Chi Square tests completed with analysis of corrected typifed residuals.