Ciudad y espacio urbano en el último cine iberoamericano (2000-2015)

  1. Franco Salgado, Andrea
Dirigida por:
  1. José-María Paz-Gago Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 04 de julio de 2017

  1. Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo Presidente/a
  2. Pilar Couto Cantero Secretaria
  3. Carlos Losilla Alcalde Vocal
  1. Letras

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 489626 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


This research proposes analyses the urban space through contemporary Iberoamerican cinema. Urban phenomena, typologies of cities and the different realities happening in the margins, are studied here under the vision of the filmmakers of the new millenium. The motivation for this purpose lies in the confirmation that the recent bibliography on cinema and urban space, barely mentions the Iberoamerican cities (from Spain, Portugal and Latin America), mainly due to the traditional hegemony of US, European and Asian productions. Only in the last years, following a new effervescence of filmmakers arising from the new audiovisual laws –among other factors-, Iberoamerican filmography starts to be present within the studies of city and film. This thesis uses a comparative methodology coming from the History of Cinema, Urban History and Theory, History of Architecture, Philosophy, Antropology and Sociology, to analyze the last transformations occurred in the cities and their limits as appeared in the movies.