A aprendizaxe da música a través da relación da música culta da tradición Occidental e da música popular moderna e contemporáneaunha investigación etnográfica na educación secundaria post-obrigatoria

  1. Suárez Canedo, Román
Supervised by:
  1. Jurjo Torres Santomé Director
  2. Mar Rodríguez Romero Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 28 June 2019

  1. João M. Paraskeva Chair
  2. Ana Sánchez-Bello Secretary
  3. Javier Marrero Acosta Committee member
  1. Pedagogy and Didactics

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 596935 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


This research seeks to know how music education is stablished within the Bacharelato de Artes Escénicas, Musicais e Danza option, stablished within the LOE legal framework. Thus, we investigate the nature and foundations of these learnings also observing how they occur at the classroom level. The ethnographic character of this research fits the goal of exploring how music, beyond of being a scholar subject, is an important part of people involved in this education process, as they are active music agents in their daily life. Thus, ethonography allows us to broaden the understanding of students´music backgrounds, preferences and attitudes, deepening our vision about how learnings take place within the classroom. Furthermore, it helps to illuminate how music subjects curricula, through the teacher work, are adapted to the exiting prior knowledge, skills and expectations of students. As a result, through considering music as a culturally situated practice, this study illuminates the influence of cultural and social premisses over the music curriculum design, critically examinating it actually fits the cultural and music sensitiveness of students, as well as the professionalizating education needs of students within this academic option.