La contratación pública estratégicacon especial referencia al acceso de las pymes en las compras públicas

  1. Canónico Sarabia, Alejandro
Supervised by:
  1. Juan José Pernas García Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 09 April 2019

  1. José Antonio Moreno Mollna Chair
  2. María Victoria Dios Viéitez Secretary
  3. María Carmen Núñez Lozano Committee member
  1. Public Law

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 584036 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


According to the current European Directives on public procurement, strategic public procurement consists of the incorporation of policies on environmental, social, ethical, economic, innovation and promotion of SMEs, without forgetting compliance with the general principles of Public contracts. Elements that were incorporated and strengthened in Law 09/2017, of contracts of the public sector, in which it is determined that in all public procurement, social and environmental criteria that relate to the object of the contract must be incorporated transversally, and in addition, access to public procurement of SMEs will be facilitated. Considering the limitations that SMEs have to access public purchases, measures to encourage such participation are studied, which are summarized in two large blocks. In the first place, the measures to promote SMEs from the perspective of the dimension of contracts, mainly referring to the division into lots of large contracts; and secondly, measures related to access to information, administrative simplification and electronic contracting were included as mechanisms to promote the participation of SMEs in strategic public purchasing