Atributos químicos de um ferralsol tratado com lodo de esgoto e plantas nativas introduzidas

  1. Santos, Talles Eduardo Borges dos
Supervised by:
  1. Marcos Lado Co-director
  2. Eva Vidal-Vázquez Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 13 November 2017

  1. Antonio Paz González Chair
  2. Rafael Montanari Secretary
  3. Montserrat Valcárcel Armesto Committee member
  1. Physics and Earth Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 518197 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Native area used in hydroelectric power station construction can be considered as degraded areas, since they have been removed from the surface horizons of the soil, where losses such as these are the most common forms of environmental disturbances and degradations. Therefore, this work had as objective to study, by means of the chemical attributes, the recovery of a Red Ferrosol, used in the earthwork and foundation of the Hydroelectric Power of Ilha Solteira-SP. For this, the research was implemented in February 2004 and conducted until December 2012. The experimental design was a randomized block with 5 treatments, 4 depths and 5 replicates, and a control area (soil with native cerrado vegetation) was also characterized. The treatments were: control - exposed soil (without management); tree species Astronium fraxinifolium; Astronium fraxinifolium + Canavalia ensiformis; Astronium fraxinifolium + Raphanus sativus until 2005, then replaced by Crotalaria juncea; and Astronium fraxinifolium + Brachiaria decumbens + sewage sludge (60 Mg ha-1 dry basis). The following parameters were evaluated: Phosphorus (P), Organic Matter (OM), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), pH, Potential Acidity (H + Al), Potential Exchange Cation Capacity (T), Base Saturation (V). In general, the Astronium fraxinifolium + Brachiaria decumbens + sewage sludge treatment was the one that most approached the conditions of original cerrado in the depth of up to 0.20 m after eight years of study.