Ingeniería Civil
Capítulos de Libro (6) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a
Asignatura de Introducción a la Cooperación al Desarrollo: Experiencia desde la colaboración entre Enxeñería Sen Fronteiras-Galicia y la Universidade da Coruña
Educar para a cidadadanía global: Experiencias, ferramentas e discursos para o cambio social (Fundación Isla Couto), pp. 42-53
Comprehensive methods for dealing with uncertainty in assessing sustainability part 1: The MIVES-monte carlo method
Soft Computing Applications for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (IGI Global), pp. 69-106
Comprehensive methods for dealing with uncertainty in assessing sustainability part 2: The fuzzy-MIVES method
Soft Computing Applications for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (IGI Global), pp. 107-140
Effect of supercritical CO2 on the Corvio sandstone in a flow-thru triaxial experiment
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses (CRC Press), pp. 1357-1362
Laboratory simulation of CO2 injection in sandstones and sands for improved seismic monitoring of CO2 reservoirs
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses (CRC Press), pp. 1301-1304
Simulation of the flushing into the dam-reservoir Paute-Cardenillo
Reservoir Sedimentation (CRC Press), pp. 203-210