Capítulos de Libro (7) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "I grant you ample leave" (1874) = "Concédoche ampla licenza". George Eliot

    No tempo de "Follas Novas": unha viaxe pola literatura universal (Alvarellos), pp. 109-115

  2. Bullying bullies: narratives of territoriality in American popular culture

    Bullying in popular culture: essays on film, television and novels (Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2015), pp. 40-54

  3. Discourse in Context: The Monologue

    Discourses in co(n)text: the many faces of specialised discourse (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 227-251

  4. Mean streets, new lives: The representations of non-Irish immigrants in recent Irish crime fiction

    Literary Visions of Multicultural Ireland: The Immigrant in Contemporary Irish Literature (Manchester University Press), pp. 255-268

  5. Space and children in post-apocalyptic film: "The road" and "Les temps du loup"

    The child in post-apocalypic cinema (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015), pp. 77-90

  6. Viaxes literarias e culturais entre Galicia e Australia

    Rosendo Salvado e o mundo aborixe de Australia (Consello da Cultura Galega), pp. 209-228

  7. Últimas tardes con Pereira

    Antonio Pereira y los lectores de Poniente: [Mesa redonda del mismo título, organizada por la Fundación Antonio Pereira el 26 de marzo de 2014] (Universidad de León), pp. 69-92