Capítulos de libro (6) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A generalized NEG wage-type equation

    Advances on international economics (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 63-81

  2. Economic growth and demand for health coverage in Spain: The role of friendly societies, 1870-1942

    Welfare and Old Age in Europe and North America: The Development of Social Insurance (Taylor and Francis), pp. 65-88

  3. Food for thought: The food waste global issue

    Experiencias en la modelación de la toma de decisiones en la salud humana, medio ambiente y desarrollo humano: Tomo 1 (Universidad de Granada), pp. 1-23

  4. Problemática constitucional y realidad de la vivienda en hispanoamérica. Posibles vías de solución.

    Curso de derecho administrativo iberoamericano (Comares), pp. 657-692

  5. Recent advances in standardizing the reporting of nonfinancial information

    Organizational Change and Global Standardization: Solutions to Standards and Norms Overwhelming Organizations (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 170-185

  6. The conquest of urban mobility: The spanish case, 1843-2012

    The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group), pp. 135-154