Capítulos de Libro (11) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A Multi-Level Monte-Carlo with FEM for XVA in European Options

    Mathematics in Industry (Springer Medizin), pp. 321-327

  2. Can Local Knowledge of Small-Scale Fishers Be Used to Monitor and Assess Changes in Marine Ecosystems in a European Context?

    Human-Nature Interactions, pp. 299-314

  3. Ethanol production from syngas

    Advances in Synthesis Gas: Methods, Technologies and Applications: Volume 3: Syngas Products and Usages (Elsevier), pp. 147-171

  4. Flagging Justice Matters in EU Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs)

    Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Springer Suiza), pp. 249-273

  5. Importance of ligand design in lanthanide azamacrocyclic complexes relevant to biomedical applications

    Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 129-220

  6. Inequidad y justicia azul: atributos y tendencias en la literatura principal de los países de la UE

    Etnicidad, identidad y ciudadanía. Las sociedades de ayer y hoy (Dykinson), pp. 884-907

  7. Introducing @thermogramer, the science of thermal imaging and heat explained on social media

    Nuevas corrientes de la innovación en la universidad (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi), pp. 81-91

  8. Microalgae as whole-cell biosensors in the prospective assessment of toxic effects of emerging contaminants

    Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Challenges and Sustainable Practices (Elsevier), pp. 495-510

  9. Signátidos de los Parques Nacionales de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia y del Archipiélago de Cabrera

    Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales : 2015-2019 (Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales), pp. 173-212

  10. Student's perspectives on blended (traditional and electronic) learning methods in inorganic and crystal chemistry in science bachelor's degrees

    Enseñar desde las TIC (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi), pp. 159-168

  11. Toxicological Aspects of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Springer), pp. 303-350