Kahoot como herramienta de transición en las aulas invertidasLa aplicación en la docencia en Filosofía del Derecho

  1. Jorge Crego 1
  1. 1 Facultade de Dereito, Universidade da Coruña. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID
  1. Enrique de la Torre Fernández (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-775-6

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 57-69

Congress: Xornadas de Innovación Docente (4. 2020. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.17979/SPUDC.9788497497756.057 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUC editor


The subject of Philosophy of Law instructed at the Universidade da Coruña (UDC) includes as the lesson 7 a study of the theories of justice, based on the material of Michael J. Sandel (Harvard). That lesson is developed through seminar classes. Following the proposal of the American professor, the lesson is imparted through the methodology of inverted or flipped classroom. This article aims to assess the introduction of technological resources (Kahoot) in order to bolster the proper preparation of the class, and the identification of the main idea and key concepts to discuss. In so doing, the objective is to raise the level of the subsequent discussion, through the promotion of the engagement and motivation of the students. Thus, it will be possible to achieve an elevation of the complexity of the competences of the students, following Bloom’s taxonomy, favouring application, synthesis and evaluation.